Pepsi: Cup of Chicago

The Pepsi creative team was seeking out an illustrator to make original artwork for this promotional cup as part of their summer in the city initiative. Select cities were encouraged to offer this Pepsi drink promo in restaurants, stadiums, and bars.

As an incentive to gain more participants, the creative team pushed for local artists from their respective cities to create locally-themed designs. IYKYK. I was honored to have been chosen as the representative Chicago artist to take on this role!

Although we had to do a couple of revisions to avoid legal trademarks, a certain Bean couldn’t be added, it was fun doodling iconic landmarks, neighborhoods, and easter eggs. The final output was a lovely compromise that celebrates my favorite city.


Creative Director: Shawn Kraemer
Art Director: Freddie Topete
Illustrator: Tania Gonzalez


Kohl's Textiles